​2022 News

2022 News

AKUN began the year with a change of Secretary and Treasurer. Anna Andrews, stepped down from the Treasurer's role and was succeeded by Christine Shaw. Christine resigned from her role as Secretary to take on the role of Treasurer and Shari Kruger stepped into the Secretary's role. We would like to thank Anna and Christine for all of their work as Treasurer and Secretary since AKUN was founded in 2015. We would like to wish Shari and Christine well in their new roles. Barbara Sanders also took on the role of Communications Chair this year.

In 2022, AKUN continued to fund the Sunday Feeding Program in 3 villages in Kampot Province, Cambodia. Following Linda Franks, AKUN President and Shari Kruger, AKUN Secretary's visit in November 2022, funds requested for a speaker with microphone plus crayons for the SFP in Chumkiri were sent from the General Fund. Both items will help the volunteers when carrying out activities with the children on Sundays prior to them eating.

Also in Kampot Province, AKUN was asked to sponsor the volunteer ‘teacher’ in Tropeang Skun who is based at the education center where the SFP is held. As a way of supporting the children in the area with their education, the Board agreed to do so for this school year. This year, funds were also sent for a printer for the school at another village in the area, Tropeang Rung.To further support the Chumkiri community, AKUN sent funds which will be used for those in desperate need via the Youth Group’s monthly visits to the poor in the area.

AKUN was able to continue sponsoring students, on their higher education courses, at universities in Cambodia. Two students, Set Raksa and Kim Chhan, successfully graduated in the summer of 2022. AKUN continues to sponsor 3 students in Cambodia studying at universities there: 2 students have direct sponsorships and 1 is a Sarah Meredith Fouad recipient. The scholarship program received applications from Guatemala and Ethiopia this year. AKUN was able to sponsor 2 Guatemalan students as well as the Ethiopian student who applied for a vocational course.