In Oct 2018, Oem SokLa began his pursuit of a diploma in Electrical Studies at Don Bosco School in Phnom Penh. He wanted to use his degree to become an electrician and help his family. SokLa’s family are poor farmers from the countryside. His older sister is sick, and their grandmother lives with them. His parents were struggling to support all the needs of his family. AKUN’s scholarship provided him with an opportunity to focus on his studies, and provide support and encouragement for his family that he can get a good job with his qualification. His diploma course was for 2 years. He wrote following the competition of his first year that, “life at school is not so easy, especially because I need to study a lot…but I am doing my best, for my future and especially for my family who is doing many sacrifices for allowing me to study."

Great news! Despite the difficulties of the pandemic, Oem SokLa has graduated (2021) and is working for an electrical company in Phnom Penh.

​​In Oct 2018, Seun Kim Chhan began her degree program in Accounting at the National University of Management in Phnom Penh. She hoped to use her degree to find a good job on graduation and help her family. Kim Chhan is an only child and lived with her mother and stepfather. Her mother worked as a cleaning lady and her stepfather earned very little. AKUN’s scholarship provided her with an opportunity to build a good future and alleviated the burden on her parents. Her degree program was for 4 years. She completed her first year with excellent academic performance and continued to do well on her course. She wrote, “I am proud of studying in this university, and I promise that I will put all my best efforts to study well and be a good student, never making you regret the help you are struggling to give me."

2022 Update: Seun Kim Chhan has successfully completed her course. Congratulations!

In Oct 2019, In Srey Touch began pursuing a four-year degree in Chemistry at the Royal University of Phnom Penh. She hopes to become a teacher when she graduates and share her knowledge with others.
In Srey Touch is the fifth child of seven children. Her mother has passed away and she lives with her father, grandmother and two younger brothers. Her four older siblings are married and working. Her father is a rice farmer in Chumkiri. He works hard to provide for his family. In Sreytouch was a Scout leader and a leader of the local youth group. She helped with AKUN's Sunday Feeding Program while she was still at school. 

Great news! ​In Srey Touch graduated in July 2023. 

Since the Scholarship Program began in 2018,

4 students have successfully graduated!

Cambodian Scholarship Students

2023/24 scholarship recipients

 Noun Minea, Som Vicheka,

  Phon Ponleu and Sorm Sarann.


It costs approx. $50 per month/$600 per year to sponsor a student in Cambodia. Direct sponsors can fund part or all of a scholarship.

Contact us:

if you'd like to find out more. 

Som Vicheka began her History degree at the Royal University of Phnom Penh in 2021. She is an only child and her family relies on rice farming in Kampot Province, Cambodia. Since Som Vicheka was born her mother has suffered with heart problems. Due to continuing issues related to her heart, Som Vicheka's mother has been unable to work much since Som Vicheka's birth. Som Vicheka has had to grow up very fast. She is a kind and caring young woman. Sometime ago when Vicheka finished grade 12 her mother expressed her desire to see her daughter studying. Som Vicheka was a SFP child when she was younger. As she got older, she became a leader and volunteered her time towards helping on Sundays.

Direct Sponsors, have sponsored the final 2 years of Vicheka's degree course. 

Noun Minea was awarded a scholarship from AKUN for his 5 year course in Civil Engineering at Norton University in early 2021. Noun Minea is the eldest of 4 siblings, his parents are farmers in Kampot Province. Once he has completed his course, he wants to become a Civil Engineer working in the construction industry. Minea hopes to be part of the development and improvement of the infrastructure of Cambodia. He has dreamt of being an engineer since he was a young child and the Sarah Meredith Fouad Scholarship, has enabled Noun Minea to go for his dream.

​In 2023/24, Noun Minea's scholarship is partly funded by 2 Direct Sponsors, as well as, the Sarah Meredith Fouad Scholarship.

AKUN, currently has 4 students sponsored in Cambodia, thanks to Direct Sponsors and your donations to the Sarah Meredith Fouad Scholarship!

Meet our scholarship students

Sorm Sarann is studying at the National Technical Training Institute in Phnom Penh. His 4 year course, began in 2022 and will lead to a qualification in Electrical Engineering. In his application, Sarann explained that, 'I have 7 siblings, 6 brother and 1 sister in family my father died so my mother could not afford to continue my education because she did not have enough income.' Due to his circumstances, Sarann receives a Sarah Meredith Fouad Scholarship. He offered a few words to AKUN and our donors, 'I promise to work hard to get good result for you, finally I would like to thank all the donor, be healthy to continue your mission.'

In Oct 2018, Set Raksa began her degree course at The Royal University of Phnom Penh. She studied Community Development and wants to use her degree to improve the standard of living in the countryside of Cambodia. When she was a teenager, Set Raksa helped AKUN in our Sunday Feeding Program, as a volunteer scout. She is a very energetic person and has been taking care of her family since she was small, after her mother died. Raksa endured many hardships to complete her schooling and prepare for college. Her degree program is for 4 years. She completed her first year with a fine academic performance and has continued to do well throughout her course. She writes, “life in the Student Center is very good and the senior students help us a lot in guiding us in our studies."

​2022 Update: Set Raksa has successfully completed her studies. Fantastic news!

Phon Ponleu, contacted AKUN via our Facebook page to try to find out more about our scholarships. Fortunately AKUN is able to sponsor Ponleu to cover his living expenses as a Sarah Meredith Fouad Scholarship student from 2022/23. Ponleu is studying for a degree in Computer Science at the Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology in Phnom Penh.

Ponleu explained that, 'it is very difficult for my family to find money to support my studies because my dad has a problem with his leg that makes him unable to work at any job. And about my mother, she's a factory worker, but it's not enough to pay for anything in my family, including food and money for my little sisters, who study at high school and one at primary school.'  He wanted an AKUN scholarship, 'to make sure that I can finish my bachelor degree for sure.'

A Direct Sponsor is funding Ponleu's scholarship in 2023/24!