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 gain scholarships through AKUN's

 Scholarship Program.

Luisa Evelyn Tzina Tacaxoy was studying her course in Eco-tourism at the school and needed support due to her family situation which had been greatly affected by the pandemic. In her application Evelyn explained that education was the key to her future when she wrote: 'besides the personal circumstances of my family, and personal, I don’t want to abandon my studies, because I am so clear that Education is the key that will open the doors of success, I want to accomplish my dreams and to reach my goals.  I want to enter to college and continue to achieve and prepare myself, I love to learn new things every day, and my best wish is to be an inspirational source for other people to help them transform, in my community, giving examples through my behavior, my effort and my help to others, with my knowledge. Thank you.'

Regarding her Eco-tourism course Evelyn explained: 'the tourism field gives me wide knowledge about: history, culture customs and traditions of my country Guatemala. Besides it gives me the opportunity to learn English, which is so important to communicate with the people from other cultures, and give them a sight of the Guatemala's richness.'

Mileidy explained that she wants to study tourism, 'because it is a very broad career and I would like to be a well-known Tour Guide in Panajachel, I am 16 years old and I live with my mother, since I do not have the financial support of my father.​' Mileidy explained that, 'despite the fact that she (her mother) has two jobs, it's not enough for us, please I ask you to support me in my studies.' 

Mileidy passed the 1st year of her course and progresses into the 2nd year in 2024.

Student Scholarships

Araceli Roxana Pérez Díaz

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Ingrid Maribel Diaz Perez needed support for the final year of her 3 year Secretarial course in Spanish and English.

When asked why she wanted to study her current course Ingrid wrote, 'because I want to be an excellent secretary, and to be an example to others, that every dream can be accomplished with effort and dedication.' As well as her course fees, Ingrid also needed support with internet, transport by bus to and from school and school supplies. 


Congratulations Ingrid for gaining your Bilingual Secretarial Diploma!

Mileidy Saraí Sical Villatoro

​​​​​ ​December 2022 update: Both Evelyn and Ingrid have completed their courses successfully and   graduated. Congratulations!

 We would like to wish them both well in the future.

 Check out their graduation photos!

Guatemalan Scholarship Students

Evelyn graduated with a Bachillerato in Science and Diploma in Ecotourism. Congratulations from everyone at AKUN.

Meet the Students

AKUN sponsored Araceli's final year of her course at the school. She explained that she wanted, 'to be a professional and work as a Tourist Guide, learning specific knowledge about my country and other countries, also obtaining cultural and social knowledge, perfecting languages and exploring places with tourists, being a leader, with principles and ethical values to promote tourism, mainly in my community and in my country to have a better development in the tourism sector.' Araceli graduated in December 2023! We wish her well.

During early 2022, AKUN was approached by a school, Liceo Urrutia School CEEP, in Panajachel, Guatemala to sponsor students whose families were having difficulty paying fees due to Covid-19. The school is in an area known for its tourism, with many visitors enjoying the eco-tourism on offer. The curriculum at the school supports the students in gaining qualifications linked to the tourism industry in order to prepare them for employment in the local area. 

The AKUN Board was able to speak to some of the staff at the school to better understand the student's circumstances. Once the applications were received the Board reviewed them and decided we would be able to support 2 students during 2022. Evelyn and Ingrid both went on to successfully complete their courses. See their stories below. In 2023, AKUN had 2 students complete their studies, Araceli graduated in December and Mileidy who continues to be sponsored by AKUN in 2024. Connie and Omar were also given scholarships in 2024. Both students are in the second year of their course and are keen to graduate at the end of the year.